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Another Psynergy Client

Client XX is a 32-year-old male, conserved. Admitted from acute hospital in 2005 with blood sugar elevated so high that it could not be recorded, he experienced cerebral edema, which resulted in memory deficits. Client XX was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder, memory loss, and diabetes type-1. He lived at a convalescent hospital for three years where he was treated for memory loss due to organic brain damage before coming to Psynergy Programs in 2016. The greatest barrier to admission was his ability to learn how to complete his fingersticks and draw his insulin. With a great effort from the convalescent hospital he did learn how and continues to improve his diabetic treatment.

At Psynergy, he is experiencing what it is like to live with others his own age for the first time in years. His appetite and sleep habits are good, and he is adherent with his medications. While improved, he continues to struggle with impaired judgement and remains at risk for psychiatric relapse. Without the treatment programs that Psynergy provides, it is likely that this client would not generate the psychological coping mechanisms needed to deal with stress, which could cause him to require acute psychiatric services once again.