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March in Morgan Hill – Gifting the community and having fun at home

Community Connections bags
Kindness Post origami
bagel pizzas

March has been busy at Nueva Vista in Morgan Hill!  Program Director Cathy Adams gave us an update on what the residents have been doing.

"In Community Connections this month we've partnered again with the Compassion Center in Gilroy and filled 25 care packages with water bottles, healthy snacks, hygiene supplies and a handmade fleece scarf (we've been making them all winter)" Adams says.  "We received a lovely thank you card signed by recipients and photos of people celebrating the contents."

Community Connections is a resident group whose focus is outreach to the community. Another group, Kindness Post, focuses on creating messages of kindness and support through the mail, which go to Psynergy residents at all three of our California facilities. In March, the group created origami butterflies to welcome spring.

However, not all of the activities benefit those outside Morgan Hill.  For St. Patrick's Day, there were a number of festivities for the residents on site, including a scavenger hunt, a day-time dance, and Shamrock Shakes which everyone said were delicious. The Executive Chef supported the fun with suitably green and traditional Irish favorites.  

There is always a keen interest in cooking.  Again benefiting those close to home, the residents made bagel pizzas to share with everyone at Nueva Vista for a 3 o'clock snack.  Mmmmm!

"Our outings this month included going to the Tech Museum of Innovation in San Jose, a Miniature Golf outing, and a trip to the local gelato store," says Adams.