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Tres Vista Clinic

Tres Vista, a key part of our therapeutic philosophy, was founded in 2004.

Living at Tres Vista is the last stage before clients who have experienced a mental break “graduate” from supervised living to rejoin the larger community. Psynergy Programs adopted this model to foster a successful transition, and to allow clients to live with the maximum amount of autonomy with a safety net in place to help them reach their goals.

At Tres Vista, specific goals and objectives are identified in an individualized service plan. By aligning goals with the individual’s needs and functional capability, each client is able to direct his or her personal recovery. After successfully completing each stage, the client experiences an increasing sense of trust, self-confidence and self-control.

For many of our clients, an improved quality of life and recovery from mental illness means freedom of choice, the ability to engage in social activity, the opportunity to master employment skills once again, and gain confidence once more.

Recovery happens.

Tres Vista office